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Watch the blog for current events and commentary and the gallery for new friends, mostly with more than two legs.
We're experimenting with some interactive features, too, so if you'd like to play in our yard, use the contact form to ask our mom.
Poor Dirt Farmer Blog
New look for old goats
So you think you want a milk goat!
If you are reading this you are at least entertaining the idea of owning a milk goat. I acquired my first doe in the early 1970s and for about four years I milked my two does ten months of each year. I also retained three doelings each year, bred them, and kept them through kidding and training to the milking stand. Once they were stable milkers I offered them for sale and started the whole process again in the fall.
Back then it was standard practice to remove the kids immediately and bottle feed them. Many people still do this, often to prevent the spread of CAE to kids. Since we test annually for CAE and CL, and because, as primary milker, I like some flexibility in my daily routine, we leave some or all of the kids with their mothers for the first several weeks. Then we confine the babies at night and milk in the morning until the babies are weaned between three and four months of age. By scheduling the arrival of the buck on October 1, kids are born in March, and I if I want to get away for a weekend or just skip a milking, I can leave the kids with the does and let them do the job for most of the summer.
Back then it was standard practice to remove the kids immediately and bottle feed them. Many people still do this, often to prevent the spread of CAE to kids. Since we test annually for CAE and CL, and because, as primary milker, I like some flexibility in my daily routine, we leave some or all of the kids with their mothers for the first several weeks. Then we confine the babies at night and milk in the morning until the babies are weaned between three and four months of age. By scheduling the arrival of the buck on October 1, kids are born in March, and I if I want to get away for a weekend or just skip a milking, I can leave the kids with the does and let them do the job for most of the summer.
Registered Katahdin ram lamb for sale *SOLD*
Calico had twins this year. She has successfully raised 16 lambs in seven years. We are retaining the ewe lamb as a replacement. The very colorful ram lamb is ready to go to a new flock of ewes. Please call for more information.
Charlie is here to make lambs!
We are very fortunate to have Charlie here to visit our three purebred Katahdin ewes. Charlie is owned by Ruth Bleau of Blue Oaks Ranch in Grass Valley. He should produce some very colorful lambs with the characteristics of this great breed, which includes great dispositions. Watch for new arrivals in February!
Time for the kids to leave home
This year we bred all of our Nubian does to a boer buck. We will be offering several doe kids for sale in the coming months. These does will fit well in a commercial herd. They are being raised by their dams, all of whom have strong mothering instincts and produce lots of rich milk. Please call for more information.
Cocoa's lambs are here!
Cocoa finally produced two beautiful ewe lambs Wednesday evening. They weighed in at slightly over ten pounds each.
First lamb has arrived!
Calico brought forth one very healthy ewe lamb this morning. Ruth weighed in at a whopping 13 lbs 4 oz. I plan to keep her, so 2U Sheep Station will have to become 3U Sheep Station or perhaps 2U+1 Sheep Station! Cocoa is due any time.
Lambs due first week of February
Cocoa is due to lamb February 1, 2016, and Calico will follow soon after. Check back to see baby pics and find out what we will be offering for sale this year. With such a small operation, we sell out quickly, but a deposit will hold a lamb or lambs until they are weaned.
Things are returning to normal now that the last of the kids and lambs have departed for new homes. We downsized dramatically, finding a home for two does and sending our boer buck Curly off to a new herd of boer does! This fall we will return to breeding two of the remaining three does to a purebred Nubian buck in order to produce one or two quality replacements. Our purebred Katahdin ewe lambs go quickly, so give us a call if you would like to reserve one or two. Have a wonderful summer!
This year's ewe lambs are sold!
All three ewe lambs have found a new home. They will be staying together to become the foundation of a Katahdin breeding program for Matt Boyd of Acampo, CA. Matt is off to a good start with these three RR lambs from a small flock that has consistently tested negative for OPP and CL. Congratulations, Matt!
Lambs have arrived!
Cocoa had two little ewe lambs Wednesday evening. Actually, not so little: 13 pounds and almost 10! Both are white with brown trim and RR for scrapie. Calico is due early next week.
2015 Crop of Lambs and Kids
Lambs are due the first week of February. Both ewes are expecting triplets, and all lambs will be RR. Once again all five Nubian does are bred to Curly, our boer buck. Kids will begin to arrive around February 10. Last year the doe kids sold fast, going to boer breeders looking for clean, tested Nubian-cross does to add milk production to their market boer herds. If you would like to reserve a doe kid this season, please call or email us for more information.
Hey, who are you???
The neighbor's fat goose managed to fly over the fence into the sheep pasture. This little ram lamb's curiosity overcame his fear until the goose nipped him. No fowl, no harm!
The lambs are here!
On February 10 Calico had two ram lambs. Two days later Cocoa produced one ram lamb and one ewe lamb. All are healthy and already running circles and figure 8s in the pasture. Cocoa's ram lamb has already been sold and will join a small flock later this summer as a breeding ram.
The nursery is ready!
This is the last day of January, and Cocoa and Calico are both due right around Valentine's day! Ultrasounds showed both ewes carrying twins this year. I am glad to know that Calico is not having quads again, although a third lamb could have been hiding behind the other two during the ultrasound. The ram responsible this season is a beautiful RR Katadhin owned by Blue Oaks Farm in Grass Valley. We will post pictures as soon as the lambs make their entrance into the world.
Recent Posts
- New look for old goats
- So you think you want a milk goat!
- Registered Katahdin ram lamb for sale *SOLD*
- Charlie is here to make lambs!
- Time for the kids to leave home
- Cocoa's lambs are here!
- First lamb has arrived!
- Lambs due first week of February
- This year's ewe lambs are sold!
- Lambs have arrived!
- 2015 Crop of Lambs and Kids
- Hey, who are you???
- The lambs are here!
- The nursery is ready!